News Story
M-CERSI signs MOU with Korean Regulatory Science Center

On Monday, June 5, 2023, members of the University of Maryland's Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI) met with Korean Regulatory Science Center (KRSC) members Dr. In-sook Park and Mi-rim Baek. Dr. Kyenghee Kwon, a representative from Dongguk University, was also in attendance. The meeting was hosted by Dr. James Polli, M-CERSI Co-Director, and the Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
"It is an exciting endeavor to work with the Korean Regulatory Science Center and its universities," said Dr. Bill Bentley, M-CERSI Co-Director. "I am delighted to see M-CERSI's success inspire others."
At the meeting, the KRSC expressed interest in sending students to participate in UMB’s Master of Science and Graduate Certificate in Regulatory Science, in addition to learning more about the projects, financials, and activities of M-CERSI to learn how to run a similar organization in Korea.
The KRSC team plans to host their own version of M-CERSI's America Got Regulatory Science Talent Competition in July, with eight universities and colleges participating. The KRSC competition, open to undergraduate students, has more than 17 teams formed already. The goals of the competition are to spread positive regulatory science awareness and encourage the next generation of scientists.
At the meeting, an official memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed by School of Pharmacy Interim Dean Dr. Sarah L.J. Michel and KRSC Director Dr. In-sook Park to strengthen mutual cooperation in the field of regulatory science for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The agreement followed Minster Dr. Oh Yoo-kyung's meeting with former FDA Director Dr. Robert Caliph and other M-CERSI members in March.
The Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety noted that this agreement has laid the foundation for mutual cooperation by recognizing the importance of regulatory science at the government and private levels of both countries.
M-CERSI is enthusiastic about collaborating with the Korea Regulatory Science Center and its universities, and looks forward to helping them succeed.
Published June 9, 2023