Learn more about the current M-CERSI Scholars:
Soo Hyeon Shin
Soo is a PhD candidate in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Maryland. She received a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in 2013. Her PhD thesis project is focused on evaluating in vitro and in vivo correlations of transdermal delivery systems with and without the influence of heat. Her advisors are Dr. Hazem Hassan and Dr. Audra Stinchcomb.
Samuel Krug
Sam is a doctoral student in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. in Forensic Medicine from Arcadia University. He additionally gained industry experience before returning to pursue his doctoral studies. With a concentration in bioanalytical mass spectrometry, he is investigating novel therapeutics and metallodrugs as well as developing new analytical techniques to gain a thorough understanding of drug mechanisms of action and pharmacokinetic properties. His advisor is Dr. Maureen Kane.
Asmita Adhikari
Asmita is a doctoral student in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. She received a B.S. in pharmacy from Kathmandu University. Her dissertation concerns oral drug biopharmaceutics and more specifically in vitro dissolution, supersaturation, and permeation to predict in vivo oral drug absorption. Her advisor is Dr. James Polli.
Use of Non-Federal Funds Terms and Conditions:
All non-federal entity providing funds or in-kind contributions to the University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI) understands that: (a) contributions will be reasonably related to the costs of the collaboration with the CERSI; (b) the contributions will not result in undue influence on FDA regulatory decisions; (c) the contributions will not result in an endorsement of non-federal entity or any of its products or activities by FDA; (d) the contributions will not provide access to non-public product specific information from FDA; (e) the contribution may be publicly acknowledged by non-federal entity, but non-federal entity may not promote itself as having a relationship with FDA; and (f) FDA staff will abide by federal ethics rules regarding acceptance of gifts, honoraria, travel reimbursement and prospective employment. In particular, any FDA employee who commences employment discussions or otherwise seeks employment with a non-federal entity will immediately recuse themselves from official participation in any collaboration involving that entity and from all other particular government matters affecting the financial interests of that entity.